Thank you for visiting a small piece of my mind, I hope you found it just like yours.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Straight from the Heart

On a New Years day it seems that time is progressing faster. The old year takes away all the sorrows of the past and the New Year brings in new hopes for happiness. Or is this is just another illusion our mind traps us in? As at best, time is continuous and in actuality it probably does not really exist except in our minds. Yet, just to honor eons of imprints left on my mind, I have decided to follow my mind. So I have decided to bring a change today only because today happens to be first day of another new year. I have resolved to write something straight from my heart.

I am sure that everyone has been taught, at some point of his or her life, that whatever you do you should do it with your heart. The problem is that no one teaches us how we are supposed to live with our heart. If we start to live with our heart the society as we see it today will stop existing and maybe that’s the reason why we were never taught how to live with our heart. Our mind is not us, it is an organ just like our heart, our hands or legs. It is a very powerful organ, so powerful that it misleads us to believe that we are our mind. We never think of our self, as being our hands or our lips or eyes. Yet seldom we are able to differentiate between our self and our mind. Our mind forces us to live the way it wants us to live.

Mind is not only a powerful analytical instrument but it can also transmit and influence other minds. In fact none of our thoughts are truly ours they have been implanted in our mind by other minds. What this creates is a network of thoughts the origin of this network dates back to Adam or whoever the first being was with mind. These thoughts are not pure they change with each transfer. This creates a very complex web of intertwined thoughts, which in the India philosophy is called the maya jaal. Strong minds are able to shift the fulcrum of the web of thoughts to create religions, ideologies and society, as we know it.

Very rarely, individuals are able to transcend the web of thoughts and think of thoughts that are so pure that they change the course of human evolution. These are individuals who are truly living with their heart. But this does come at a cost. Jesus was crucified, Darwin was (is being) out-cast even today. Buddha taught enlightenment through detachment from every thought, even the thought of god. His philosophy got so warped, by the existing dogmas, that Buddhism has become the fourth most populous religion of the world and Buddha has become god. Einstein must consider himself lucky that most people could not (and still do not) comprehend his genius. He got away by just being called a mad scientist.

We are all held captive by our mind. Our mind is not really ours but it is formed by borrowed thoughts and ideologies. The more we grow up, the more entrenched our mind gets in the web of thoughts. I am who I am today because of imprints of ideologies, social norms and expectations left on my mind from the day I was born. Anytime I tried to venture out of this web I was severely punished. Now I am so afraid that I have just decided to follow my mind.
Nothing I have written here is pure. These are all borrowed thoughts just like every thing else I do. I have failed again in writing from my heart. But that’s okay, breaking resolutions is socially acceptable.
And in about a year it will be New Years Day again!