Thank you for visiting a small piece of my mind, I hope you found it just like yours.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Buddha by Deepak Chopra is a powerful book. I finished reading it a few days back, but I am still carrying it in my subconscious. The book revolves around the life of Buddha and touches repeatedly upon “Maya” the central theme in most eastern philosophies. So my mind has been freely wandering again in the enthralling web of Maya. Maya is an intriguing concept, which is quite difficult to define. Yet it (or she or he) touches upon some of the most basic concepts of universe and humanity. I am a true agnostic and I only believe in things that can be proven by rigorous scientific data. Yet there are some questions that are so confounding that they almost shatter my beliefs to the core. If the whole universe was created in an instant with a “Big Bang” what was before that? Is there really a time and space continuum in which everything that is going to happen tomorrow has happened already in a different time dimension? And the most interesting question is, if the whole universe is moving towards disorder then why have LIFE, which the most ordered state of matter.

All these questions churn up my mind into an uncontrollable storm and that’s when I lean on Maya for support. Maya in literary term means “the ultimate illusion” and suggests that this material world is just an illusion and that our greater purpose in life is to try to find the truth of our existence. Every soul is born and (according to some philosophies) reborn to pursue this quest of truth and as we embark upon this journey, all our perceptions of the material existence of good and of evil collapse one by one until our soul meets the ultimate truth, becomes part of this ultimate truth to attain enlightenment (Nirvana). A few special souls like the Buddha, Jesus Mahavira and other modern day messiahs have reached this destination while most others are struggling to escape the intricate web of Maya.

I have spent hours talking passionately to my friends about Maya. Yet when I reflect back on my thoughts I see a hypocrite, because I am more tied in to the material world than most people. For example, a little while after we had crazy debate about Maya, a friend nonchalantly asked me “So are you going to buy an iphone? And without even thinking my response was “Yes of course”. I immediately knew that my Maya had lost the debate. I like to sample the pleasures of life whenever I can afford them. I have no guilt in enjoying few hours of euphoria that I get from a glass or two of wine. My idea of playing sport is buying the kit and then quitting and finding a new sport after a week. (So email me if you want a set of golf clubs that have been used only once!!!) I am an epitome of material existence and I can never see myself sitting under a banyan tree trying to find out the true meaning of life.

Yet I have learned a lot from Buddha’s struggle towards enlightenment. I have learnt that just thinking about Maya and the true meaning of life takes you away (even if just for a few moments) from your day-to-day existence. Just today when I was faced with an unfavorable situation at work instead of reacting to it immediately (and probably making it worse) I let my mind drift into the mist of Maya and when I got back that unfavorable moment had passed away. It was almost as if I had transcended time and traveled to the future. Taking that time out I was able to remind myself that there are things in life that are lot bigger than the rat race we are all trying to win. Sometimes disengaging our mind helps us get a better perspective about the mundane things we worry about. Thinking about Maya is like a short vacation that our mind needs every day.

So cheers friends and keep those discussions going. But, remember after all is said and done, its all just Maya!!!!!!!


Unknown said...


Read it twice. I don't know if I should respond to the blog.

So I am responding to the blogger instead!

The Himanshu that is being reflected in the blog is very different from the one I mostly interacted with. I saw for the first time this Himanshu-in-the-blog when I stayed at 'his' home in 2006 and read 'his' poems. I like what's written here. I also like the pictures posted on Orkut. There is a restless search for the 'answers' that I see.

I will follow the blogs little longer before attempting to respond to the blogs!

Happy Journey to India!!

Unknown said...

Knowing impact of some of your past comments on my mind, I wasn't sure if I should put the following link on your blog. Let's see.

But I read your new blog and some of my personal older memories surfaced up esp. when I was wandering all by myself in India for about two months in 2004.

I was waiting for you to come back from India to post this link on this blog.

If you like it, then you will automatically read the chapters before and after this one. This is not indoctrination so take the principles and discard the person, if necessary!

More later.

-The other 'Ajit'